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Friday, July 10, 2009

Some exciting unique auctions have completed recently!

Did you see that the car surprise auction turned out to be a brand new C300 Mercedes Benz! The lowest unique bid was $8000.50. The winner was able to buy the $37,000 car for $8000.50, a 78% savings! Check it out in the completed auctions section of the unique bid auction. Scroll down to 6/28.

Also, in a unique bid auction which completed on 7/08, the lowest unique bid on the Home Cinema Surprise was $36.50 for this package with a value of: $1670, a savings of: 97%.

These unique auctions sure are fun to watch....but they really are difficult to win. Play if you choose, but for my money, I still think that the Express Auctions are the guaranteed best value.

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